Friday, 14 December 2007

Friday the 13th Part XI: Jason Stalks Saltaire...

Santa (aka Marti) has given me a sneaky peek of me chrimble present, i.e. I chose & she fronted the bills. Probably the best hoody money can buy comes via "karmaloop" by LRG. An homage to Jason Vorhees & his psychoapeshitkillings ways, the hood features a pull over hockey mask & crossed chainsaws on the chest, & should have em running for cover the next time I'm down the Co-op trying to peruse me Cabernets while Johnny Nobhead is tealeafing the Haribos.

spend, spend, spend...

It's as if Jesusmas ain't even happening. Ordered 'Blandband Deluxe' from t'threadless today in a seasonal wave of emotion. Last few days of the xmas sale so you gotta be in it to win it I say. Nice design, more aesthetically pleasing than being a social comment of sorts, missed the first edition last time round so this reprint will do, & it answers the 'don't have a dusk purple coloured shirt in my wardrobe' question. That is all.

Thursday, 6 December 2007

sound shirt...

Ordered from thready this week after a rather a long sartorial absence, been investin' time & a money in a seXbox 360 & all it's associated paraphernalia (plug n play kit, Halo 3, Pro Evo, COD4, 37" 1080p Tosh LCD TV!!!). Sound Advice is a tee full of... er, sound advice I guess. I like the graphic nature of the tee but the designer kind of bugs me. He is a bit of a threadless lovey & looks as smug as the cat that got the cream, the mouse, the fish, & a catnip camberwell carrot... so quite smug then.

I pi-tee the fool...

Grrrr, look here fools, I be grrr represented in tee form on "teetonic" & I ain't playin' suckas but I be hurtin' any fool that doesn't make this there number 1 chrimble present wot with it being a mere week or two away, wot?

Thursday, 27 September 2007

Zombies & vampires beware...

...cos I be a fully paid up member of the Intramural Zombie Hunting League! This ace shirt is available at "seibei" & is totally customisable. You can spec different levels of gore (I went for lots of gore, naturally), you can have your name put on the back as well as your own number, it could just be the best shirt I own & gets mucho acknowledgement. The site has some good looking designs on it too, David Murray the founder, is into Japanese literature & all tings of that bent, so his designs are very landoftherisingsunmangaanimesamurainoodlebarish. Good work!

Wednesday, 30 May 2007

just the tonic for BA...

Thought I'd give the ongoing "teetonic" tee design compo a whirl, they're like the British threadless, although obviously not as big. Subbed BA Baracus' Theorum, an old thready design... sorry an old unsuccessful thready design, but a good one I reckon. Let's see what Blighty thinks, get some nuts, grrrr, pain, grr, ain't gettin' on no plane, sucka, grrr, crazy fool, etc.

Fast forward to late September (yeh it's been a while blog fans) & those right on Scottish types at teetonic are mad keen on printing BA & his theorisms, so yay for me & yah for teetonic!

Tuesday, 15 May 2007

tee of the living dead...

An undead addition to my wardrobe courtesy of deadless... sorry threadless, this week. Designed by Moss, it is designed in the style of those airplane what-to-do-in-the-event-of-the wings-falling-off style cards that give you every confidence peeping out of the flap of the chair in front of you. This is a what-to-do-in-the-event-of-the-dead-rising-from-their-graves type scenario self help tee, & I like it, aaaaaaarrrggggghhh!

Friday, 20 April 2007

can't see the forrest for the tees...

Found this today on "Digital Gravel". After my triumphant 'Run Forrest, Run!' design appearing on "", Acrylick have also released this homage inna vinyl stylee, in place of the suitcase now appears a record crate, & a set of 'phones on his swede. They've gone for the street vibe whereas I went for the schlock-80's-jiggery-movie-mash-up-pokery, & consequently mine is better, so there, & mine is considerably cheaper at $17.95, so there x2!

Thursday, 19 April 2007

going up the arsonol...

My latest thready sub came as I was pondering in the studio one day admiring the clean graphic look of a tin of Ronsonol, a popular brand of lighter fluid/cleaner/incendiery material, & it came to me as being ripe for a humourous pastiche, aka 'Arsonol', the descerning urbanite shite's flammable fuel of choice. I don't necessarily think it looks great on a shirt but one likes to keep one's pen in the ink, & with threadless, you never know.

Arsonol - Threadless, Best T-shirts Ever

Wednesday, 11 April 2007

pens and skulls...

Been a bit sheepish in the tee consumer market recently, a combination of poverty, retail boredom, blahdy blah. Went to Debenhams recently to try & spend the gift card me mother had got me for chrimbo, but try as I might, I couldn't find anything worth buying. Get some jeans my inner monologue cried, tried on some Levi bootcuts, no good, made for guys with no ass. There was a niceish Duffer zip hoodie, all blue with a nice horizontal pin stripe, but by this time it was no good, my sartorial flame had died. Then proceded to lose my will to live in Leeds branch of Primark while my girl Martina, ran amok amongst the £1.50 vest tops & flouncy schmoks... never again Webbins... never again.

Still, some threadless action this week. I have on order 'Tools Of The Trade' by Olli Rudi, who seems to be flavour of the month. While not liking all his successful subs, I do kinda like this one, being a designer who uses pens as well as a Mac it speaks to me, & I'll look clued up round the studio.

Ordered this one too, but why is it when you think of doing a skull & crossbones design... threadless goes & prints one, always the bridesmaid & never the bride, eh? Anyways it's quite a striking graphic with added close-up jiggery-pokery, just wish it wasn't on red, man I gots my fill of red shirts even though it is my favourite colour, hey ho.

That is all.

Monday, 19 March 2007

if you like to gamble, I tell you I'm your man...

Look at these beautiful kicks from Nike, shouldn't they do more like this instead of chavvy, infinite colourways for their Air MAX? I like it when they take a gamble & put all their money on designs like this, now just got to find a way to up the ante, win big & get a pair winging their way to me tootsies. Make more Mr. Nike!

Thursday, 1 March 2007

one, two, three, FOUR subs!

A four pronged attack on threadless this week, feel the force of my subbage Uncle Sam!
We got summat for everyone, wrong way up bat illo punnage, patterny graphic tiled weather wonder, badges stinkin under achievin badges & regular animals hunted head horrorshow. Success? Who feckin' knows!

Not All Bats Sleep The Same Way - Threadless, Best T-shirts Ever

Rain Now, Sunny Later - Threadless, Best T-shirts Ever

Minor Achievements - Threadless, Best T-shirts Ever

Domestic Hunts - Threadless, Best T-shirts Ever

Thursday, 15 February 2007

my new bestest friends...

... is for having the solid design & business sense (& general all round good eggishness) to print my "Run Forrest, Run!" design. Originally subbed to threadless some time ago, but now given a new lease of life in tee, hoodie & bag form at noisebot. It is a 'pastiche' of the Forrest Gump movie poster, but now apeshit killing machine extraordinaire Jason Vorhees is sharing his box o' chocolates, tricky to run with a machete in your face, eh Forrest?!

Thankfully the power of this blog enabled them to contact me, so buy "Run Forrest, Run!" now!

Monday, 5 February 2007

new shirts ahoy!

Wotcha! A couple of shirts on order this week, first off we have 'Sexy Pack' by thunderpeel on threadless, I like it cos it's a jet pack dammit & it's got that real 50's Dan Dare vibe, like the badge detail on the front too.

This great piece of corporate subversion from Glarkware is a parody of the Subway logo. It's got a number of good things going for it; it's a pokey jibe at a huge multinational company & it's a zombie tee. Romero salutes you Glarkware.


Friday, 2 February 2007

dress like you mean it

My site of the mo is Urban Industry, based down in Hailsham, in, wait for it, East Sussex. They've got a serious range of gear for your average urban commando (guess that name was taken), we got Addict, Carhartt, Fly 53RI35, LRG, MHI, SeventySeven, Stussy, to name but a few, and every inch of your body can be covered in one trip.

I've claimed one of these jackets as my own by Fly, I'm a fan of all things camo, but this is a little different to the norm. I got it for a steal at £45 from £65, so I be a blending in to the surroundings round your hood pretty soon.

urban industry

Tuesday, 23 January 2007


I have a sub up on t'threadless & it 'seems' to be doing quite bouyantly. It is also part of The Joy Of Text 2: Textual Healing side compo, run by some rather stout chaps through the blog forum. The aim being to produce designs that utilise text, preferably hand created, as the main feature of the design. It's kind of a riposte to the anti-text brigade who find no mirth or merriment in the beauty of type... philistines!

I put plento of effort in this design, building up the image of a typewriter with a handdrawn typewriter font, layering the type to give depth. I kept it a black on white design just to emphasise the simplicity of what a typewriter is, & run parallel to the traditional black ink on white paper. I'm quite pleased with it so I'll just have to keep me fingers crossed.

If anyone does happen across these meanderings, the link below takes you to me sub on which you can vote accordingly, god bless.

type(d)writer - Threadless, Best T-shirts Ever

update: 2.8! That's a pretty good show going by recent subs. Puts me second currently in the JOT2 rankings, so we'll just keep our bits crossed for that threadless email.