Wednesday, 30 May 2007

just the tonic for BA...

Thought I'd give the ongoing "teetonic" tee design compo a whirl, they're like the British threadless, although obviously not as big. Subbed BA Baracus' Theorum, an old thready design... sorry an old unsuccessful thready design, but a good one I reckon. Let's see what Blighty thinks, get some nuts, grrrr, pain, grr, ain't gettin' on no plane, sucka, grrr, crazy fool, etc.

Fast forward to late September (yeh it's been a while blog fans) & those right on Scottish types at teetonic are mad keen on printing BA & his theorisms, so yay for me & yah for teetonic!

Tuesday, 15 May 2007

tee of the living dead...

An undead addition to my wardrobe courtesy of deadless... sorry threadless, this week. Designed by Moss, it is designed in the style of those airplane what-to-do-in-the-event-of-the wings-falling-off style cards that give you every confidence peeping out of the flap of the chair in front of you. This is a what-to-do-in-the-event-of-the-dead-rising-from-their-graves type scenario self help tee, & I like it, aaaaaaarrrggggghhh!